Saturday, May 9, 2009


i taught theres something special between my taught was wrong..our relationship was a fake..all was a fake..including you..i really hate you right now..seriusly..all that tears from your eyes..all was a was just an actor..who just played me..n im just a toy for you..pakai buang..u noe that i wait for you for a long time?u dnt right?bcoz ur so blind..everytime i call..u mesti ckp 'i busy blk later'..then call..tgk2 x angkt..EVERYTIME OK?!wtf?u tau x i jauh2 sanggup call u bwat cm2..da la x contact i langsung..x peduli lansung psl i..wats ur problem???BUANG KREDIT AKU JE..seriusly..i da ssh gle nk syg when i syg..camni la jdnye..mcm argh!blk2 plkn happy nk jumpa suma especially tgk2 kt ms u da ade man?selama ni i kene main..mmg btul ckp kwn i..menyesal i bantah dia gle2..n im sry kt dia sbb i bantah..serius x tau ape nk ckp..mmg x sangka org mcm u..da berubah..jd lg teruk..n bkan i je kate..suma kate..da knal sejak darjah 5 lg..n kita da jd bestfriend..n da ske same mls mls..u make me hate the word LOVE u noe that?im really dissapointed..seriusly i am..x sangka..i gle rindu u yg dlu..n i still love the old u..i really,seriusly hate the new you..dlu ur my nw ur nothing..

1 comment:

  1. juz be patient kay..
    Life is always challenging..
    but neva give up on achieving a better one..
    If it's not meant for you, leave it.
    Or it would hurt u like hell..
    Take a good care of yourself kay..
    Namo masam2 lagi...
    Smile always like b4..
